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C Server Name D P Address Map Players Game Mode Extras
FR mb2_deathstar 28/32 Open RTV
GB D mb2_dotf_classicb 24/32 Legends RTV RTM
US D um_dojo_v2 11/32 Duel RTV RTM
US mb2_smuggler 8/32 Legends RTV RTM
DE D by_ep4_tatooine 7/32 Authentic RTV RTM
DE D mb2_duel_dotf 2/32 Duel RTV
BR D mb2_duel_training 0/32 Duel RTV RTM
BR D mb2_deathstar 0/32 Legends RTV RTM
BR D mb2_duel_boc 0/32 Duel RTV RTM
BR D mb2_dotf_classicb 0/32 Open RTV RTM
AU um_dojo_v2 0/32 Duel RTV
AU mb2_smuggler 0/32 Open RTV
US D mb2_alderaan 0/17 Legends RTV
US D mb2_smuggler 0/32 Legends RTV
BR D mb2_deathstar 0/30 Open RTV RTM
BR D um_spice_duel 0/32 Duel RTV
US D um_ctf_dfarena 0/32 Legends RTV
US D mb2_corellia 0/32 Open RTV RTM
US D mb2_lunarbase 0/32 Legends RTV
DE um_dojo_v2 0/20 Duel -
US mb2_dotf 0/32 Open -
GB D mb2_jeditemple 0/32 Legends RTV RTM
GB D mb2_jeditemple 0/32 Open RTV
DE P mb2_smuggler 0/32 Open RTV
DE mb2_smuggler 0/32 Open RTV RTM
US P mb2_starkiller_base 0/32 Open RTV
DE mb2_duel_training 0/32 Duel -
US D mb2_cmp_onderon 0/32 Open RTV
US D mb2_duel_training 0/26 Duel RTV
US halo_for 0/32 Authentic -
FR mb2_duel_dotf 0/32 Duel RTV
DE D mb2_cmp_dust2 0/32 Legends RTV RTM
DE D P jedaii_duel_hc 0/32 Duel RTV RTM
DE mb2_duel_office 0/32 Open RTV RTM
DE mb2_duel_dotf 0/32 Duel RTV
US D um_ns_streets 0/32 Duel RTV
US P um_pistolduel 0/32 Open -
US P um_pistolduel 0/32 Open -
US D mb2_dotf_classicb 0/32 Open RTV
DE D um_vjun 0/32 Legends RTV
DE D mb2_cmp_telos 0/32 Open RTV
NL D gc_intermission 0/32 Legends -
US D gc_intermission 0/32 Legends -
DE P mb2_yavinruins 0/32 Authentic RTV
US D mb2_cmp_transport 0/32 Open RTV
US um_bespin_tournament 0/32 Duel RTV
US D mb2_duel_dotf 0/32 Duel RTV
US D mb2_boc 0/32 Open RTV
US D P mb2_boc 0/32 Duel RTV
PL mb2_dotf 0/32 Duel RTV

Last refreshed 5 seconds ago. There are 6 out of 50 servers populated with 80 players total.